
Strategy & Organisation

Supporting Executives at every stage of the company’s life: growth, transforming the business model, changing strategy, managerial changes.


Align Vision, Strategy, Values and Culture,
Organisation and Process, Talent Management

Our solutions

  • A Sparring Partner for Executives
  • Advice on the most appropriate governance method
  • Support for Boards of Directors

Business Case

The Client’s needs:

  • A young and fast-growing company that needed to structure its mode of governance by building a tighter and more engaged management committee.
  • The challenges: redefining the role, the composition and the mode of operation of the executive panel; establishing a new management mode (delegation and decision-making processes…); aligning the executive committee with the strategic vision and challenges of the company.

Our accompaniment approach:

  • Reunions with the Managers to evaluate the situation, identify the strengths of the organization as well as its improvement axes, identify the strategic challenges and their impact on the organization and its management mode, define the role of the executive panel and find the key to the successful transformation of the organization; define the role, the composition and the profiles of the Comex.
  • Implication phase of the Managers via Individual interviews.
  • Shared diagnosis to consolidate and implement the organizational vision.
  • Workshops with the Comex to strengthen team cohesion and synergy, ensuring that the role of each member is aligned with the operating principles and values of the company.
Strategy & Organisation - Arrowman Executive Search