Paris, le 5 décembre 2024 Press release Appointment of ANNE MAZUEL as MANAGING DIRECTOR At the dawn of the new year, Arrowman Executive Search is pleased to announce the appointment of Anne Mazuel as Managing Director. With over 20 years of experience in executive recruitment consulting, Anne Mazuel has previously served as Associate Director at Arrowman Executive Search, overseeing the Consumer…
Quels étaient les enjeux de votre client ? Jusqu’ici, cette entreprise avait fait le choix d’externaliser une grande partie de ses missions IT auprès de différents prestataires. Suite à l’arrivée d’un nouveau directeur des systèmes d’information en 2022, il a été décidé de structurer une équipe DSI en interne et de commencer le rapatriement d’un certain nombre de savoir-faire. La feuille de route était d’accélérer…
1000Mercis à notre invitée Yseulys Costes, CEO de Numberly (1000Mercis Group) qui a su, avec beaucoup d'humilité, revenir sur son brillant parcours d'entrepreneuse de la recherche à la cotation du groupe Numberly. Elle a aussi prolongé la réflexion sur les besoins urgents de l'écosystème digital en France et en Europe ! Un grand merci également à Hervé Novelli et à tous les participants à…
Interview réalisée par Aurélie Tachot, Journaliste indépendante. Popularisé sur TikTok dans un contexte post-Covid, le « quiet quitting » ou « démission silencieuse » a aussi pour terreau le désengagement des cadres. S’il déstabilise les entreprises, ce phénomène est loin d’être inéluctable. Il suppose toutefois que les dirigeants valorisent davantage les performances de leurs talents, selon Jean-Pierre Scandella, directeur général du cabinet Arrowman Executive Search. Comment expliquer l’ampleur…
L&L Advisory Group members met up in Stockholm on 22 and 23 September 2022 to reinforce our cooperation by sharing experience, know-how and best practices in order to provide high-level Executive Search and HR Consultancy services to our clients. During this meeting, we were thrilled to welcome Skagerak Consulting and Deblauw as new members ! Based respectively in Norway and in the Netherlands, they…
Beaucoup d’articles récents soulignent que l’exception française s'applique aussi au marché du travail et que la spécificité française joue à plein concernant le phénomène de la grande « resignation » (démission) qui s’est produite aux États-Unis. Elle n’existerait simplement pas en France selon certains ? Il est très difficile de tirer un instantané du marché du travail en France qui a rarement été aussi évolutif et…
Arrowman Executive Search has the pleasure to participate in the annual event of Lense & Lumen Advisory Group which takes place in Madrid. With our partners in Europe, in the US and in China, we reinforce our cooperation by sharing experience, know-how and best practices to provide international high-level services to our clients. We were also delighted to welcome new members from Spain, Belgium and…
Vous avez manqué la deuxième édition des Rencontres de Mac Mahon, le replay est disponible ! Un grand merci à Thibault Lanxade, Hervé Novelli ainsi qu’à tous ceux qui ont fait de cette 2ème édition un temps fort de notre rentrée pour nos entreprises résilientes et innovantes ! Jean-Pierre Scandella, Gérant - Fondateur du cabinet ARROWMAN Executive Search vous invite à…
Thierry Breton, Commissaire européen a remis hier au nom du Président de la République la légion d'honneur à Hervé Novelli, entrepreneur, maire et ancien ministre des PME et du tourisme. L'équipe d'Arrowman Executive Search tient à féliciter chaleureusement Hervé Novelli, notre Vice-Président pour son engagement pour le développement de notre cabinet.
Vous avez manqué la deuxième édition des Rencontres de Mac Mahon, le replay est disponible ! Un grand merci à Thibault Lanxade, Hervé Novelli ainsi qu’à tous ceux qui ont fait de cette 2ème édition un temps fort de notre rentrée pour nos entreprises résilientes et innovantes ! Jean-Pierre Scandella, Gérant - Fondateur du cabinet ARROWMAN Executive Search vous invite à retrouver les échanges…
L’évolution rapide du marché du travail et, plus récemment, la crise du Covid-19 ont fait naître de nouvelles aspirations du côté des candidats. La reprise économique et la poursuite de la transformation digitale des entreprises ont provoqué une tension générale sur le marché de l’emploi, de nouvelles tendances et de nouvelles aspirations chez les candidats. Lorsqu’ils sélectionnent une entreprise, ces derniers sont attentifs à…
Les rentrées se succèdent et ne se ressemblent vraiment pas. Qui aurait pu prévoir une accélération de la guerre des talents dès septembre 2021 alors que l’on en est encore à réguler les process liés à la sécurité sanitaire. Eric Orsenna avait assez tôt attiré notre attention sur la rareté des matières premières, ce qui s’est largement confirmé depuis. La désorganisation mondiale de la…
La crise du Covid-19 a autant fait voler en éclat les modèles d’organisation des entreprises que le rapport au travail des collaborateurs. Dans « le monde d’après », plusieurs critères sont essentiels aux yeux des talents. Pour les attirer comme les retenir, les dirigeants n’ont d’autre choix que de les prendre en compte. La pratique régulière du télétravail Autrefois plébiscité par seulement 3 % des salariés…
Health, happiness and revival in 2021! After working alongside entrepreneurs throughout 2020, Arrowman Executive Search reaffirms its commitment to provide support to Executives in their recruitment challenges, from defining their needs to building high-performance teams and analysing their respective competitive environments. The Covid-19 crisis, which greatly disrupted the year 2020, has left indelible traces in the business world. It has also radically accelerated the…
La rediffusion de la 1ère édition des Rencontres de Mac Mahon est disponible sur notre chaîne Youtube ! Mardi 6 Octobre à 18h30 Nicolas Bouzou et Hervé Novelli étaient aux côtés de Jean-Pierre Scandella au sein des locaux d’Arrowman Executive Search en présence de plusieurs entrepreneurs. À cette occasion, tous les trois ont eu l'opportunité d'échanger sur le contexte économique et sur les défis à relever…
En cette année de tous les défis, notre belle équipe fête ses 17 ans sereinement en Touraine. Nous sommes bien heureusement en forme et gardons la même ambition d’apporter le meilleur service à nos partenaires, clients et candidats que nous suivons dans la durée. Que ce mot soit pour nous l’occasion de vous remercier sincèrement pour votre confiance. Résolument tournée vers l’avenir, notre équipe…
Over the last ten years, we have observed candidates regaining interest in Mid-Caps. Several factors explain this progression. ? The brand image of Mid-Caps has improved and the regular communication to the media regarding their growth potential makes them very attractive. ? Stability and long term vision is a strong argument for Mid-Caps faced by large groups that are heckled by the financial market and regularly…
Our team pursues its investment in the research of experts and leaders who possess the same human values as our clients: openness, dynamism, entrepreneurial and team spirit.ARROWMAN Executive Search is developing its network with the support of our research firm WideSearch located in Lille. We accompany our clients to the success of their most innovative projects by searching for directors, engineers and researchers with…
ARROWMAN Executive Search celebrates this evening its birthday in a convivial atmosphere. All the team is delighted to welcome all the persons that contribute to the success of this beautiful entrepreneurial and human adventure. Kind regards,
Alexis Brodsky and Philippe Millot, Partners at ARROWMAN Executive Search represented us at the INAC European meeting. It was a big success and the occasion to explain our business strategy.
Although connected objects are not yet subject to specific regulations regarding personal data and security management, they induce growing concerns. As confirmed by Stéphane Grégoire, Head of Economic Affairs of the CNIL, during the MEDEF conference on the morning of April 12th 2016, on the theme of connected objects, reporting an increase of 36% of the amount of complaints from the CNIL concerning the protection of…
The way we consume is directly related to our interaction with brands, images, values and the imaginary side that they convey and to which we adhere and identify ourselves.The act of buying is of course conditioned by the product itself, its intrinsic qualities and, of course, its price. But in this decision to buy, the packaging the first visual and physical contact with…
The digital transformation induced a new paradigm: skills are not and no longer sufficient. There are now multitudes of cultural and organizational changes that force companies to reinvent their models.This transformation is of course technological, but not only! It is also marketing. The customer or user is no longer perceived in the same way and the company interacts more with him in order to…
On Friday, February 18th, 2016, Alexis BRODSKY, Jean-Pierre SCANDELLA of ARROWMAN Executive Search,, have the pleasure to visit the Dr. Maier+ Partners GmbH in Stuttgart in presence of the President of the firm De Bord International, our Swiss partner, Jean-Michel Fürst.This meeting aiming to strengthen the INAC network as well as to prepare the global meeting in Madrid in April, 2016, is in line with…
SMEs and Mid-Caps are an important part of the European economy and represent over 85 % of job creations in Europe. Despite this, family owned companies and Mid-Caps must have greater international ambitions.Indeed, their size that is often critical and they have many projects in their domestic markets, but European companies have a hard time grasping international markets and their specificities. They have an…
Although connected objects are making a buzz and most large groups invest a lot in this domain, the revolution, as far as the general public goes, has not quite gone off yet. While waiting for the announced perspectives, the IOT is showing substantial progress on industrial issues. At the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution, the production chains are being improved as new applications…
For its 22nd innovation meeting, the SYNNOV chose to address the theme of « Corporate Hacking ». Indeed, accentuated by the digitalization phenomena, organizations suffer more than ever from a lack of agility. Companys ills are many: rigid hierarchies, long and complex innovation and decision making procedures, lack of motivation of employees, etc. The commotion around start-ups reflects this growing interest. Many dream of changing things.…
We have good news to tell you at the kick-start of this year on the chapter of recruitment. After a slow period before the summer, we observe the launch of many recruitment projects within start-ups, but also within Mid-Caps and Groups. The recruitment needs are great. The innovative subjects flow around Marketing and Data, but also around more classic functions in the sectors of…
Our team is happy to share these first rays of sunshine with you on the occasion of its annual seminar.We remain at your entire disposal in order to prepare for a successful year ahead!
Businesses in the field of agro-industries are rapidly growing and have no intentions on slowing down! As shown by their investment strategies on the questions of innovation and R&D.Often leaders on mature markets, the groups have been focusing more than ever on the development of new projects, new applications but also on new markets that have now become indispensable. This reinforcement of the strategy of…
ARROWMAN Executive Search continues its development and establishes itself in Lille from July 11th 2016.The firm chose Lille, a particularly economically dynamic city, to develop and extend its international network between Paris, London, Brussels and its partners in the North of Europe. By establishing itself in Lille, ARROWMAN Executive Search reinforces its anchorage on the segment of Mid-Caps and Family Owned Companies that are particularly well…
ARROWMAN Executive Search share the enthusiasm of French start-ups presented at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) of Las Vegas! According to the French Tech, 160 French companies were there! Great sign for digital transformation actors.
Yesterday, ARROWMAN Executive Search hosted the SYNNOVs first board meeting of the year, of which Jean-Pierre SCANDELLA is Vice-President in charge of partnerships. The SYNNOV team will reveal the detailed program for 2016 in the next few weeks about the transformation of jobs through technologies and innovation. A core topic for ARROWMAN.
All jobs are going through a deep transformation under the influence of the digital revolution and the use of the social networks. It is obvious that recruitment is directly touched by this revolution. Companies recruit directly from social networks with more or less success. Firms have long integrated social networks into their tools, which facilitates the identification of candidates and allows to quickly complete…
The health sector has not escaped from the digital transition. 3D Printer, Big data, connected objects (IOT), Nano & medical biotechnologies are now in the daily lives of industrials in this sector. More than a phenomenon, these pharmaceutical groups and the stakeholders of this ecosystem are the beginning of a new era of personalized medicine.The progress made over the past decade in genetics, medical…
The economic, technological and cultural upheavals that companies are facing, pushes them to instill new dynamics of innovation, agility and risk-taking.Indeed, this transformation or industrial revolution causes new forms of competition (disruptive & agile) to emerge but also triggers important industrial changes.Over the last few years, Mid-Caps and Large Groups have managed to woo the universe of startups in order to not miss key…
With nearly 3500 patrimonial or family businesses, France has an excellent lever for innovation and economic performance. However, these very specific companies (in terms of values, long-term vision and entrepreneurial culture...) are regularly confronted with crises of governance and succession.Our medium size enterprises (MSE), although performing in France and abroad, have a higher failure rate than their European counterparts (Germany, Italy). It is also…
I am going to tell you the story of my great-grandfather who lived in a small village in Aveyron, in Gabriac. In this village there were storekeepers, in particular, downstairs from my familys home, a hardware store. It was a nice little hardware store composed of 3 people: the boss, an assistant and a warehouseman. The hardware merchant knew my great-grandfather very well, the…
ARROWMAN Executive Search, will attend the IT Angels plenary on Monday, February 15th, 2016, on the La Balle au Bond barge.Innovating start-ups will gather together in order to seek sources of funding for projects such as:? An educational and robotic game to help children with motor, mental, behavioral and social difficulties.? An e -commerce solution oriented towards video-on-demand, allowing the marketing of video content…
Tomorrow, Thursday, February 11th, 2016 , the Internet Managers Club, a selective club of web leaders, will organize the " IMC Awards" Gala, which takes place every year. Franck Pasquet, Managing Partner in ARROWMAN Executive Search, will participate in this event which aims to reward three companies this year in the following digital categories:-IMC AWARD START-UP-IMC AWARD INNOVATION-IMC AWARD E-COMMERCE Good evening everyone !
The Internet Of Things, sometimes considered as the 3rd Web revolution, is at the heart of the digital transformation and is very challenging for business. Benoit ANDRADE explains the beginnings and the reasons behind IOTs current boom.Launched in 2005, this rabbit, connected to the Internet, emits signals, spreads music and reads e-mails out loud. Nabaztag has become the icon of the connected objects. Enthusiasm about…
The French industry will not be uberized. The 4th industrial revolution has already begun. We are not facing a disruptive revolution as expected, but a gradual transition to new industrial processes and collaborative modes. The trend is discrete yet deep. The digitalization of manufacturing tools is under way, accompanied by experts that are particularly agile and dynamic. Those experts are key in the hiring…
The whole team at ARROWMAN Executive Search wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018 !
The development of the electric vehicle and the arrival of the autonomous vehicle mark a revolution that not only impacts car manufacturers but also automotive suppliers.
Franck Pasquet will attend the « Graphic Industries & Social Networks » conference tonight that is organized by the Manufacturing Leaders of printing companies. Social Networking has transformed the way of communicating and sharing information and has a strong impact on professions within organizations. This exceptional event aims to accompany the players of the printing and graphic industries in this transformation in order to obtain…
On October 12th, 2018, we welcomed in our office in Paris, Thaddaeus Mueller and Marshall Chen from Fiducia, our new L&L Advisory Group Chinese Partner, for a first business meeting. Our goal is to provide consistent and relevant support to our clients for the development of their teams in China and in the rest of Asia.
Interview with Benoît Andrade, Managing Partner of Arrowman Executive Search Interview by Olivier Durand Connected objects are being deployed in every sector. Not only in the world of manufacturing, but also in FMCG. Figures attest to this, according to Gartner's survey, there were 20 billion connected objects in 2017, and there will be 75 billion in 2025. But lets start from the beginning, what…
In this « war of talents » environment, it is now indispensable to integrate new dimensions in order to attract the best profiles, accelerate their integration and limit turnover. Whether its in terms of transformation, acceleration or innovation, benevolence is at the basis of these actions. All the necessary letting go models in the world of agility, can only be built with a vision of benevolence.…
Webassoc, in partnership with Content Square, launches the « UX Associative Awards ». This prize will distinguish the solidarity or environmental association that provides the best user experience on website or mobile. The best engagement and loyalty strategy, the technical innovations, etc. will be appraised and rewarded on the exceptional day of January 26, 2016, in the headquarters of Criteo. Key issue for…
This Tuesday October 4, Franck Pasquet Managing Director at ARROWMAN Executive Search, attended the HUB Awards 2016 ceremony. For the 6th year in a row, the HUB Forum rewarded the best devices, innovations and initiatives within Companies, Platforms and Agencies. Quite a few of ARROWMANs clients have been rewarded this year. Guillaume PEPY, President of the SNCF, succeeded Fleur Pellerin, Xavier Niel and…
The 3500 Mid-Caps and Family Owned Companies play a vital role in the French economy. Thanks to their long-term vision, they sustain their economic cycles and invest durably. They contribute to innovation, creation of value and employment in our country. How do Mid-Caps approach the digital transformation of the economy? ARROWMAN Executive Search, who carries out 35% of its recruitment missions of executives…
Fairy Tales about Headhunting - Success, lies and videos " Nevertheless, through connections, a headhunter can facilitate or represent your interest in a certain situation Be visible, approachable, and accessible in 2 words: Be huntable! by Felicia Beldean Managing Partner Romania TARGET Executive SearchviaFairy Tales about Headhunting - Success, lies and videos | TARGET Executive Search.
Très bon article de Franck Bouaziz et bravo à David Amsellem et John Paul pour cette croissance exceptionnelle ! Une aventure qui a démarré par un financement de proximité et le soutien d'autres entrepreneurs... Souhaitons que l'environnement fiscal permette encore de tels investissements et de telles réussites ! Love money | Le nouvel Economiste.
At ARROWMAN we although believe that "Talent Is Not an Online Commodity". Thank you for this good article. viaWhy Recruiters Will Be at the Heart of Our Corporate Future -
Founded in 2004, ARROWMAN Executive Search is one of the largest French independent organization with a team of 15 people. We are dedicated to direct approach and assessment of Executives and Experts throughout Europe. We are currently seeking for a Senior Consultant in Brussels in order to expand our business in Belgium. While joining our team of strong experienced consultants, you start from scratch…
See on - The Meeddya Group The Digital Media Association France (DMAF) has just published the results of its survey of the French Digital Media market in 2011.See on